Friday, May 19, 2006

critical mass

“Mrs Peacock … are … brilliant … , … shocking … and … over the top … Spot-on!”
- Simon Sweetman, Dominion Post, Friday 19 May
Reviews have got to be the best part of the Festival. We just love them. There's nothing like the opinion of someone who didn't pay to come to your show and probably isn't part of your target demographic to really warm the cockles of your heart.

Actually we've never had a festival show reviewed before (aside from a one line gripe from Lynn Freeman in the Capital Times about having to miss our show because we didn't start on time) so this is quite a novel experience.

Firstly, Jess Manins of the Lumiere Reader has given us a rather nice review - though she does take issue with the number of poos and wees jokes in our set. In response we'd like to point out that poos and wees are nothing to be embarassed or uncomfortable about. Everybody does them. Even people who've been in terrible accidents and have to use some sort of poo-bag apparatus.

And Simon Sweetman gave us an absolutely glowing review in the Dominion Post, the highlight of which is above. Thanks Simon - you'll always have a special place in our hearts (the full review is not online, but will be posted in comments).

[UPDATE]: Just noticed a little something about the names of all of the reviewers mentioned above - check it out...
Simon Sweetman
Lynn Freeman
Jessica Manins
But what does it all mean? I have no idea.]

[UPDATE 2]: We've also had an indifferent review from Melody Nixon at Lumiere (who says what we did, but doesn't mention how well we did it - although she did say that our melodies were "sweet"), as well as a a somewhat less than nice one from Kate Chapman at the same site.

Kate says that our "lyrics were not particularly amusing". I guess that's what we get for trying to address the issues. The haters just don't understand that we're doing it all for the kids.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

last chance to see WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT in Wellington

Our second and final Wellington perfomance of mrs.peacock's WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT is tonight (that's Thursday 18 May) at the San Francisco Bathhouse.

Opening night last night was awesome (even if we do say so ourselves) and tonight should be even better.

Bloody well come along, why dontcha.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

mrs.peacock get reviewed

Our recent gig at Comedy Underground was reviewed in Salient - Comedy Underground have reprinted the review for your reading pleasure but the relevant part is this:

Headlining the gig was the superstar musical comedy duo Mrs. Peacock. I have seen each performer individually before but despite having heard their songs I have never heard them perform live together. I was not disappointed. They sang and played like angels with boy band like harmonic perfection but god they were smutty and offensive. Because of their wonderfully boyish charm they somehow pull off singing about things like giving their girlfriend’s father a reach around without actually offending anyone.
And I didn't even need to quote anything out of context to make us sound good, which was choice.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

peacock on the radio

We were on Radio Active this morning talking about Comedy Underground and World Record Attempt. We played three songs (Tony, The Flange and Can't See You) and therefore said "ass", "shit", "fucking" (twice), "flange", "bitches", "motherfucking", "asshole" (thirteen times), and "oily bumwees" (three times) for all of Active's listenership.

They also wanted us to play "Walking the Line". We said that might be going a bit far.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

mrs.peacock hosting wellington RAW semi tomorrow night

We will be MCing the Wellington semi-final of the RAW comedy competition tomorrow night (Thursday 27 April) at the San Francisco Bathhouse, 171 Cuba Street.

2 winners will be chosen on the night to go to the final in Auckland - the semi-finalists include TJ MacDonald, Noor Razzak, Pinchey Murray, Dave Cormack, Alex Hawley, Two Beers and a Yarn, Emma Olsen, and Jon Batt.

The show will kick off around 8pm - tickets are $10. Should be awesome.

Dave performing at Chicago tonight

Dave will be doing a solo spot at Chicago Bar, Queens Wharf tonight from 8pm. The show is free entry, and will be MCed by the very talented Tom Williams, and also features Jamie Bowen, an NZ comedian (formerly of the comedy troupe Gary) now based in Melbourne. Go watch.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Other upcoming shows

Please check the sidebar for a list of our upcoming shows, including:

Wellington Comedy Club
8pm, Thursday 27 April 2006
The San Francisco Bathhouse (formerly Indigo)
171 Cuba Street
Tickets $10 on door
Comedy Underground
8pm, Sunday 30 April 2006
Room 101
downstairs at Bodega
Tickets $8 on door
Buzz Comedy
8pm, 7 May 2006
Buzz Bar, 39 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt
Tickets $8 presales or $10 on the night
Monday 15 May 2006
Downstage Theatre
Tickets $32.50/29.50
Phone 04 801 6946 for bookings
Late Laughs
10pm, Sat 20 May 2006
Downstage Theatre
Tickets $15/$12
Phone 04 801 6946 for bookings

Festival site now online - and tickets for sale

The website and online programme for the ODDFELLOWS NZ International Comedy Festival 2006 is now live - you can see the entry for our Wellington show here and our Auckland show here.

You can also now buy tickets for our Auckland show online from Ticketek (tickets to our Wellington festival show are door sales only).

Thursday, March 16, 2006

buy mrs.peacock songs online

We're very pleased to announce that you can now buy live versions of 6 of our favourite tracks online from Amplifier.

Tracks online include Can't See You, Pity She Died, Jewish Boys, The Flange, Checkout Girl and Burns When I Pee.

Please feel free to go forth and purchase them.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

mrs.peacock on myspace

Apparently, getting a myspace page is what all the cool kids are doing right now. So naturally we had to get in on that shit.

Benefit: you can hear our songs online.
Downside: myspace is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who my friends on the internets tell me might just bit a bit of a cock.

Anyway we couldn't get because some 16 year old girl already has it, so we had to settle for which isn't so bad I guess.

Go have a look, why don't you. And add us to your friend list if you're that way inclined.

Monday, March 13, 2006

side project alert

Dave's other band, the Galloping Hooves of the Apocalypse, now have a myspace page.

You should go visit it.

While we're on side projects, one of mine has a gig coming up - The Suave Jockeys, a musical three piece, will be headlining Comedy Underground, a brand new comedy gig at Bodega in Wellington, on Sunday 26 March (click the link for more details).

Monday, March 06, 2006

green room quite nice, actually

Our gig last night at the Green Room, the relaunched monthly comedy night at Kitty O'Shea's, went pretty damn well, we think.

If you live in Wellington, and you're at all interested in comedy, we strongly recommend going along to the next one, which will be on the second Sunday of April (that's the 9th). You might also want to consider going along to Comedy Underground, the new monthly comedy night at Bodega. The first gig, on Sunday March 26, features The Suave Jockeys - an act which includes Matiaha "Mutts" Paku, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer... and me.

Anyway thanks to all of those who came to The Green Room last night or to Vic Uni Orientation last Thursday - if you like what you saw, then please come see our festival show later this year.

Friday, March 03, 2006

another superb gig (if we do say so ourselves)

Last night, we headlined the comedy night at Vic University Orientation (as foreshadowed below, where we said that we were going to do it).

Actually if you bought a ticket, you'd know that even better than headlining we were one of the "Guests" in "Brendhan Lovegrove and Guests", but lets not get into that now. In any case we closed the show and we think it went well.

Our apologies to any innocent first year students who had their 'ear cherries' popped last night. Think of it this way: it had to happen sometime. And you were better off having it happen with nice guys like us, than with the other sort of guy. I know at least one person there liked us (especially Dave)...

In any case our next gig is this Sunday at The Green Room - hope you can make it along.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

welcome the re-invented mrs.peacock webpage. This year we're putting on a brand new show in the ODDFELLOWS NZ International Comedy Festival 2006 - mrs.peacock's WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT (dates and times are to the right).

Mark your diaries now! We're confident that this year's show will be our best ever. Which, given that our regular shows are totally fucking awesome, should mean that WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT should actually make your head explode with sheer awesomeness. In a good way though - so you should still come if you've got some sort of weird phobia about having an exploding head.

More details (including how you can get tickets) will be available soon - in the meantime you might like to come see us at one of our non-Festival shows (also listed to the right).

The Green Room

mrs.peacock will be headlining at the relaunched Green Room comedy night at Kitty O'Shea's on Sunday 5 March. This will be the Green Room's first gig of the year - please come along and support it (tickets are only $8/$6).

After this gig, The Green Room will be on the second Sunday of every month - check their website for more information.

mrs.peacock to perform at Victoria University Orientation

We are very pleased to announce that mrs.peacock will be headlining the comedy night at Victoria University's Orientation 2006, hosted by Brendhan Lovegrove. Who is really quite good and has been on TV and performed overseas and stuff and we've seen him lots and we like him and he's very funny.

So come along, why don't you, to the Union Hall on Thursday 2 May March and watch us (along with Cori Gonzalez-Macuer and James Nokise, two of this year's Billy T Award nominees, who are also reasonably funny and in any case are both a bit ethnic and therefore should be given the benefit of the doubt). Tickets are only $10 for students ($15 for grownups) and are available from the Student Union and from both the Manners and Cuba Street branches of Cosmic Corner. We reckon the show will start about 8pm.

UPDATE: As pointed out in comments, I fucked up. Orientation is of course in March, not May. I hope you can forgive the unforgiveable and overlook my typographical mistake.