Friday, March 03, 2006

another superb gig (if we do say so ourselves)

Last night, we headlined the comedy night at Vic University Orientation (as foreshadowed below, where we said that we were going to do it).

Actually if you bought a ticket, you'd know that even better than headlining we were one of the "Guests" in "Brendhan Lovegrove and Guests", but lets not get into that now. In any case we closed the show and we think it went well.

Our apologies to any innocent first year students who had their 'ear cherries' popped last night. Think of it this way: it had to happen sometime. And you were better off having it happen with nice guys like us, than with the other sort of guy. I know at least one person there liked us (especially Dave)...

In any case our next gig is this Sunday at The Green Room - hope you can make it along.

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